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Category Archives: Links We Love!

Binding: Get It Together

Get it together! The right binding style for the right application can make all the difference when designing a printed piece.  We’ve got the “perfect” cheat sheet to help you… [Read More]

Favorite Podcasts

Check out two of our favorite podcasts: 1. “How to Nail Positioning, Messaging, and Change Management: Matt Desmier on Marketing Smarts” (30 mins) 2. The Science of Social Media: “Grade… [Read More]

Google Guide to Micro-Moment Marketing

What exactly is Micro-moment marketing? Micro-moment marketing is defined as moments when consumers act on a need, e.g. to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something or buy something…. [Read More]

USPS Incentive for Direct Mailers

The US Postal Service is encouraging commercial direct mailers to use mobile marketing tools – such as QR codes – on their mail. During July and August (2012), the Postal Service… [Read More]

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