Give Your Direct Mail a Boost

Direct mail is making a come back, and in a big way. With the flood of email marketing hitting the inboxes of consumers on a daily basis, direct mail is becoming one of the hottest trends in direct marketing. But, the traditional days of 1-800 numbers and the traditional “sales call” doesn’t really grab the attention of the recipient. In fact, you could just as easily lose your audience with a poorly designed direct mail piece as you can with the “junk” e-mail. So how do you make direct mail more powerful?

Here are a few ways you can make your direct mail piece work harder for you:

  1. Design to Be Noticed. You’ve heard it before, design can make or break your campaign, and direct mail is no different. In order to really capture your audience, take the time to understand what they like in a marketing or ad campaign. Do they respond better to infographics and oversized mail, or is a traditional postcard the best medium? It’s up to you and your team to do the homework. (Hint: Check out our latest blogs “What Makes a Great Design?” and “Creative Paper Folds” for some great tips and ideas)
  2. Go the Extra Mile on Finishing. There is nothing more disappointing to see a great direct mail piece arrive at your door bent, ripped, torn or utterly destroyed. Although we’d like to think our direct mail is handled with kit gloves, it’s not always so. When designing your direct mail piece, think of the options you have in regards to print and mailing. Should you print on a heavier stock? Are there varnishes or coating that could add the extra “wow” factor to your piece? Would a clear mailing envelope add that finishing touch you’ve been looking for? Don’t be afraid to explore your options, you may be pleasantly surprised.
  3. Personalize. Nothing makes a customer feel more in touch with your brand than a personalized direct mail piece that speaks to them. Take advantage of variable data in a big way. Include personalized areas in your direct mail piece where you can address the recipient by their name or their company name.
  4. Make the Digital Connection. Don’t stop at a simple direct mail piece with a boring call to action. Take your recipients from offline to online with
    QR Codes, Personalized URLs (landing pages) and augmented reality. Keep in mind, you want to drive traffic to your online presence and there is no better way than connecting your customers through your direct mail.
    Take the next step and build a landing page that really hits home with your customers. Use these great tips on how to layout the perfect landing page for your next direct mail piece.

Take the next step and build a landing page that really hits home with your customers. Use these great tips on how to layout the perfect landing page for your next direct mail piece.
