5 Ways to Make QR Codes Work for You

QR Codes are an excellent way of adding interactive content to your marketing materials. Here are five quick tips to making them work for your business.

1. Create a “Designer” Code

Standard QR codes are often criticized for their impersonal and hard-edged black and white aesthetics. Today, QR codes can be customized with a variety of colors, eye-catching designs and even your company logo to make them more visually appealing and more effective at driving traffic to your website.

2. Develop A Clear Business Objective

Since QR codes direct a reader or consumer online, it is essential to have a clear business objective for driving them to your digital destination. Such objectives could include the opportunity to view exclusive “bonus” content, redeem a special offer or discount, provide customer feedback, access on-demand video tutorials, or “like” a Facebook page.

3. Create A Compelling Call To Action

The person scanning your QR code will have to make a series of decisions and take several actions, including taking their phone out of their pocket, opening the scanner app and scanning the code, before reaching your destination page. Make sure your call to action is compelling and easily visible.

4. Mobilize Your Website

Make it easy for your reader or customer to access the data or content they scanned the code to receive by ensuring that your destination website is optimized for viewing on a mobile phone. Forcing the viewer to constantly pinch and zoom the screen to access information and content will most likely have a negative impact on the experience.

5. Reward The Consumer

The QR code is a conduit to the digital world and a channel to exclusive content and offers. Giving consumers or readers the same information via the QR code that they could access elsewhere is a missed sales opportunity, not to mention anti-climactic. Reward the consumer with a unique and engaging experience.

Looking for some interesting ways to share QR codes? Include them in your print ads, on your direct mail pieces or even on your business card to connect to unique and engaging website content. Check out some of these creatively branded QR codes for some design inspiration.