Direct Mail Stats You Can’t Ignore! It Packs a Punch.

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Ah, direct mail. A non-invasive, informative, personal and fun form of marketing! Put some muscle in your corner and make sure it’s part of the media mix in your next campaign. If you need some direct mail stats to make your case, look no further!

But first, what exactly is “direct mail”?

Direct Mail is generally defined as printed material whether it be a postcard, letter, folded marketing piece, catalog, magazine, package, etc. that is delivered to a home or business address via the United States Postal Service or a courier. It is considered to be mostly “uninvited”. But despite the reputation, it is often received, read and considered as we describe in our attached resource. It is still one of the best values for delivering a personalized message that stands out in a sea of email and digital marketing. And we have the direct mail stats to back it up!

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