Pamphlets vs Brochures
If you’ve ever ordered marketing or direct mail materials for your business or an event, you know that there are several different terms for each piece of print marketing materials. This stands true for pamphlets and brochures.
We get asked by customers what the real difference is between brochures and pamphlets very often. You’ve probably heard people use these two words interchangeably when looking to print product or company information in a small booklet style. The only distinct difference between the two is their names. Generally, pamphlets and brochures look very similar but there are some slight differences to make note of. Let’s define pamphlets and brochures further and provide a few brochure and pamphlet examples to help make this clear.

A pamphlet, by definition, is a small, unbound booklet that is used to advertise or provide information on a single subject.
They are mainly used for informing rather than direct selling. You’ll sometimes hear someone use the term “leaflet” when describing a pamphlet too. Pamphlet pages are stapled together or printed on both sides of one sheet and folded in half or several times. There are many different pamphlet designs that can come in different shapes, sizes, and number of pages. Some common uses for pamphlets include political campaigns, event promotion, and communicating organization information.
An overview of pamphlets:
- Informational in nature
- Unbounded format
- Limited total number of pages
A brochure is a single or multi page folded paper used to sell a company’s products or services.
This piece of paper can be folded several times to create separate pages, or are several pages stapled together. The term “booklet” is sometimes used when referring to a brochure. While it can look similar to a pamphlet, the important thing to remember is brochures are more commonly used for advertising multiple products or services for a company. Brochures typically contain more images than words. Some common uses for brochures include introducing a new product line or detailing service offerings to be sent out to new customers.
An overview of brochures:
- Advertising products/services
- Sometimes binded
- Multiple pages
These two print marketing materials seem very similar after you lay out their definitions. The most important difference is the subject matter. Pamphlets are used for non-commercial promotion, while brochures are used to advertise products and services. Brochures also typically have more pages and images. Pamphlets can have multiple pages, but are generally contain fewer pages and more words than images to inform the reader. However, these two are used interchangeably or together depending on your marketing needs.
The sizes of pamphlets and brochures can vary depending on the specific requirements and design preferences. However, there are some common sizes that are often used for these print marketing materials. Here are a few standard sizes for pamphlets and brochures:
- Standard Letter Size (8.5″ x 11″): This size is commonly used for pamphlets and provides ample space for text and images.
- Half-Letter Size (5.5″ x 8.5″): This size is smaller and more compact, making it convenient for distribution or carrying.
- DL Size (99mm x 210mm): DL size is a popular choice for pamphlets as it is longer and narrower, allowing for a unique layout.
- Tri-Fold Brochure: The most common size for a tri-fold brochure is 8.5″ x 11″. It is folded into three panels, with each panel measuring approximately 8.5″ x 3.66″.
- Bi-Fold Brochure: Bi-fold brochures are typically 8.5″ x 11″ and folded in half, resulting in four panels of approximately 5.5″ x 8.5″.
- Square Brochure: Square brochures come in various sizes, such as 6″ x 6″, 8″ x 8″, or 10″ x 10″. These square dimensions offer a unique and visually appealing format.
Sizes for pamphlets and brochures can also be customized according to specific needs. When working with a printing company or designing your own pamphlets or brochures, you can discuss the size options and select the dimensions that best suit your content and desired visual presentation.
While pamphlets and flyers are very similar types of marketing materials, there are several other types that should not be confused with pamphlets or brochures.
Flyers are typically a single, one-sided page design that offers information on a single event or announcement. Flyers are smaller scale than pamphlets or brochures and contain fewer words. Flyers are generally a cheap way to quickly get information about an announcement to a large audience. While they are cheap, they are generally less effective for products and services because people will generally spend less time reviewing the information in a flyer when compared to a pamphlet or a brochure.
A magazine is a periodical publication that is printed on a glossy paper and is several pages long. Magazines typically cover one subject in length and feature products, services, and other advertisements throughout. They also have a mix of articles that vary in word count and images. Generally, magazines are printed in color and vary in size and page length. Magazines are much more detailed than brochures or pamphlets. However, if you are looking to print a magazine, Modern Litho is recognized as one of the top 20 publications and magazine printing services by Publishing Executive.
A newsletter is a publication that is distributed on a set time frame about one main topic or company to its subscribers. Companies use newsletters to send subscribers new company, product, and service information. They are likely to distribute to customers or internally at a company, to parents at schools, or within a community. They can have a newspaper format but are a single page or a few pages long. Newsletters are used for communicating ongoing information, but can sometimes be the same length as a brochure or pamphlet.
The easiest way to distribute a pamphlet or brochure is to set them out on a table or at the checkout counter at a store location. If you’ve been speaking with a customer about a particular product or service, this is also a great opportunity to hand them a brochure or pamphlet for more information. When it comes to communicating political information in a pamphlet, sometimes door to door or mail is the best way to distribute. When communicating product line information in a brochure, you can always mail them out to the appropriate customers or include them in a bag or with a receipt upon completing an order. If your business is done mostly online, emailing an electronic copy or mailing a physical copy will be your best bet. Collecting customer information, such as email and physical addresses, will help when distributing brochures or pamphlets.
Another way to distribute brochures and pamphlets is to have a rack set up at your store location. A helpful tip is to organize your brochures and pamphlets by product or subject matter to make it easier for the customer to find the information they’re looking for. This allows the customer to get the information they need and be on their way. Make sure to restock your rack or front counter frequently update the brochure or pamphlet when there are new products or fresher information.
Modern Litho of course! We provide the latest printing technology and fast processes to ensure your pamphlet or brochure is high-quality and printed with all the correct information you need. If you need help with designing materials, we have a knowledgeable design team to help you make your pamphlet or brochure look professional. We also offer mailing and logistics services to ensure your brochures or pamphlets are stored correctly and mailed to you or your customers on time. Check out our services or request a quote and see the Modern Litho printing difference for your next brochure or pamphlet order.