Requirements for USPS Return Address Endorsements
Designing and setting up the mail panel properly for a direct mail piece is very important and it can determine how much you pay in postage. Following a few guidelines can save you big bucks at the Post Office! Here are some quick tips regarding the requirements for USPS return address endorsements:
Physical Standards (102.4.0)
An endorsement must be printed in no smaller than 8-point type, and it must stand out clearly against its background. Brilliant-colored envelopes and reverse printing are not permitted. There must be a 1/4-inch clear space around all sides of the endorsement. The endorsement and return address must read in the same direction as the delivery address.
Placement of Endorsement (202.4.0)
The exhibit below shows the options for placing an endorsement. The endorsement shown (ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED) is just one of several options. See DMM 507.1.5 for a complete list of endorsements, treatment, and fee consequences according to the class of mail.

- Directly below the return address.
- Directly above the delivery address area (which includes the delivery address block and any related non-address elements such as a barcode, keyline, or optional endorsement line).
- Directly to the left of the postage area and below or to the left of any price marking.
- Directly below the postage area and below any price marking.
For a full listing of endorsements and definitions download the USPS Quick Service Guide 507.
Source: USPS Quick Service Guide 507