Use Direct Mail to Generate the Emotional Response
Direct mail is a fantastic way to connect with your customers on a more personal level. Everyone is familiar with the practice of general personalization of direct mail through the use of data, but being personal through emotional copywriting can be key to making the connection between your customer and your organization.
So how do you begin to make that personal connection? … copy that generates an emotional response. There are seven key copy drivers defined by Swedish marketing entrepreneur Axel Andersson and Seattle direct marketer Bob Hacker that are the foundation for making a deeper personal connection with your customers. The seven key copy drivers are: anger, salvation, exclusivity, greed, flattery, guilt and fear.
When writing the copy for your direct mail piece, tap into your reader’s emotions and make sure that you use your emotional copy drivers effectively by using short words, short sentences and short paragraphs. Using concise messaging, you will achieve maximum readability and maximum response.