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Application for mailing at Non-Profit Rate with USPS (USPS Form 3624)

Applying for Authorization to Mail Non-Profit Standard Mail Rates with the USPS. Download USPS Form 3624 by clicking the image below. Complete and return to the USPS. Looking for a quick response? You can submit the form online and use the handy checklist on the last page of the form…

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USPS Postage and Mail Guidelines Poster

Looking for a great way to keep USPS Direct Mail guidelines top of mind? We’ve got the reference just for you. This USPS reference guide will have you ready to send your direct mail piece today!

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Application for Mailing Periodicals (USPS Form 3500)

ALTHOUGH YOU MUST MEET SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR YOUR CHOSEN QUALIFICATION CATEGORY WHEN MAILING PERIODICALS, FOUR BASIC CRITERIA APPLY TO ALL PERIODICALS: Periodical Publication (DMM E211.2) You must show intent to publish issues of a publication indefinitely with continuity from issue to issue. The purpose of the publication must be to…

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Applying for Periodical Publication Additional Entry (USPS Form 3510-M)

Publication additional entry form Jefferson City, Missouri. Procedure for Applying for Authorization to Mail at Periodical Rate at an Additional Post Office from Jefferson City, Missouri. For more information, call Dave Verdot at 1-800-456-5867 or email

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