Latest Blogs

Direct Mail Stats You Can’t Ignore! It Packs a Punch.

Click image to view and download this resource. Ah, direct mail. A non-invasive, informative, personal and fun form of marketing! Put some muscle in your corner and make sure it’s part of the media mix in your next campaign. If you need some direct mail stats to make your case,…

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Direct Mail is a Powerhouse for Non Profits

Nonprofit marketer’s take note, direct mail remains one of the most effective donor engagement vehicles. The Facts: 64% percent of people visit a website because of direct mail they have received. 11% of donors prefer direct mail. Direct mail motivates 36% more donors to donate online. Direct mail response rates…

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A Great Magazine In 7 Simple Steps

SEE WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE A GREAT MAGAZINE THROUGH OUR SEVEN STEPS. Successful consumer and B2B editor and publisher Nick Wright reveals a selection of his key secrets to creating a successful, award-winning publication. 1. KNOW YOUR READERS INSIDE AND OUT When you craft engaging content that hits your…

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Pocket Folders: 8 Tips for Printing Custom Folders

Keep your company brochures, booklets, flyers, etc. in perfect shape with a custom branded pocket folder. Perfect for assembling multiple pieces of corporate collateral or presenting a client proposal, pocket folders are a must-have for your marketing arsenal. Need help designing and printing your pocket folder? We’ve got 8 tips to help…

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Impactful Postcards: 14 Design Tips

Designing postcards seems simple enough; but are you getting the results you need after it’s in the mail? Try some of these tips to make your direct mail piece more impactful and most importantly generate a response! 1. SIZE Mail a non-standard size that doesn’t stack nicely. Even if you have to pay…

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Customized Pennant Flag Banner

A pennant flag banner is a classic yet updated way to market an event, organization or cause! Pennant flag banners are everywhere these days from Pinterest to Etsy and even your favorite aisle at Target.  Pennant banners really are quite on trend; but expensive to customize or at least that’s…

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Our Guide to Link Profile Basics

Click image to download the PDF. Get in the know for your next website analytics and reporting meeting. This easy three page guide breaks down terminology and basic terms related to link profiling.

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Favorite Podcasts

Check out two of our favorite podcasts: 1. “How to Nail Positioning, Messaging, and Change Management: Matt Desmier on Marketing Smarts” (30 mins) 2. The Science of Social Media: “Grade Your Marketing for Free with These 10+ Tools” (12 mins)

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Ben Hiss Becomes President of Modern Litho – Kansas City

We’re excited to announce Ben Hiss as President of Modern Litho – Kansas City. “My wife, Jennifer, and I live in Prairie Village, KS and have been married 22 years. We’ve been blessed with three terrific kids… two boys and a girl.  I’ve spent my 19+ year printing career in…

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Our Favorite SEO Tools

Click image to download the PDF. The term “SEO” can make anyone’s eyes glaze over. As a marketer, who hasn’t had to sift through pages of data and try to decipher what it all means and what’s the next step to improving conversions? It seems that’s the question we all…

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