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Responsive Design vs. Mobile-Friendly: What’s the Difference?

Learn the difference between responsive design and mobile-friendly websites with our free ebook!

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Social Magazine Infographic

Here’s an infographic excerpt from the latest edition of Inspired Momentum! Read Spring 2015 Momentum Issue

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Professional Society and Associations

VERTICAL MARKET SOLUTIONS: PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY AND ASSOCIATIONS Click on brochure to view PDF For decades, associations and member organizations of all sizes have relied on us to produce and distribute their communications to members, donors, directors and other key audiences. Connections are vital in both print and online. And accuracy,…

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Healthcare and Medical

VERTICAL MARKET SOLUTIONS: HEALTHCARE AND MEDICAL Whether you are a group of physicians, a dentist, a hospital or an assisted living facility, healthcare professionals and organizations can experience increases in their annual revenues by up to 20% by engaging their audiences through planned, relevant, and consistent marketing. Whether the goal…

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Best SEO Strategies and Practices

The world of internet marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a constantly changing practice, with each passing month and Google update a practice that seemed to work well may now not, or worse may be penalized, while something you may not have given thought too may be a heavily…

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Calligraphy Links & Resources

CALLIGRAPHY RESOURCES The art of beautiful writing has been around since the Greeks coined the term calligraphy, a combination of two words meaning “beauty” and “to write”. This page is designed as resource to people interested in calligraphy, as they seek out information on the web. The search bar below…

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Technology & Accessibility Resources for the Blind

Apple’s VoiceOver: Apple has a number of resources on numerous devices to help with vision impairment or blindness. The first resource, and probably the most helpful, is the advances they’ve made with VoiceOver technology. VoiceOver is a powerful screen reader that comes with every Mac. Not only does Voice Over tell…

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The Advantages of Wind Power

Modern Litho supports the generation of 132,000+ kWh of wind power through their commitment to Ameren UE’s Pure Power program. This annual commitment prevents the release of 200,000+ pounds of carbon dioxide annually, the environmental equivalent of taking more than 18 gasoline powered vehicles off the road for a year.…

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Is Direct Mail Making a Comeback?

YES, DIRECT MAIL IS MAKING A COMEBACK Not long ago, suggesting that direct mail be a part of your marketing mix made you risk looking like you were out of touch, non-tech-friendly, or – that most dreaded of traits for marketers – like you were old-fashioned. These days, however, with email marketing…

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‘Tis the Season for a Little Fun, Friends and Gratitude

Conventional wisdom says that B2B marketing can’t be quirky, humorous, or even ‘fun’. However, the truth is that, these days, if you hope to have any impact on your target market at all, you’re going to need to bring a little more personality to your brand and your marketing communications.…

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